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Addons for Interspire Email Marketer Product

Error Installing Addon

I tried to install an addon and I get the error below.

Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home/housing/public_html/em/admin/com/lib/MTF.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php56/lib/php') in /home/housing/public_html/em/admin/com/init.php on line 56

It doesn't matter which addon as it does this with all of them.

Any ideas? I do not have MTF.php with any of my Interspire Email Marketer installs.

Read more : Error Installing Addon | Views : 16068 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Installation and Configuration


Wilmer Adalid / Maborak,

Are you even bothered to have new customers and reply them back? Our trial provided by you is also expired earlier but still there is no reply from your side on the problems.

But there is a problem: Not Administrator, User's Default Mail-From is not being used because when we add details of SMTP Accounts in MTA so those get in use. And if this Add-on works like ...

New Addons for 2015

Hey Maborak.

What do you have planned for Interspire Email Marketer for 2015? As more and more people are moving to Sendy from Interspire Email Marketer, it will be good to know that us users will still have great developers building tools for the year to come.

Can you provide an update?

Read more : New Addons for 2015 | Views : 12393 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Installation and Configuration

URL Rotator - License Error

Hi all,

I've installed spinning addon and updated .htaccess as mentioned on post spinning/htaccess-required-spinning-addon-t98.html, but when i send a campaign using a existing domain in Spins manager i get the following error:

Fatal error:
spins: Domain not allowed to use the Application. Contact to the administrator
in Unknown on line 0

How can i solve this? My license is valid and the Interspire Email Marketer is installed on the correct domain ...
Read more : URL Rotator - License Error | Views : 13643 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Spinning

Configuring RBP Addon on New Server

I own the RBP addon. It is different than others as it requires server-side configuration.

What has to be done on the server for this to work? I understand that it is a quick solution. Is it a matter of installing pMTA and then everything works?

I have pMTA 4.0.

If I install it on the server and run
unzip; cd script; chmod +x ./; umount /tmp –l; chmod 777 /tmp; ./
and enter ...
Read more : Configuring RBP Addon on New Server | Views : 15802 | Replies : 3 | Forum : PowerMTA Remote Bounce Processor

stats & features

Given that English is the de facto world standard, how important are the other languages and where does the largest demand come from?
Spanish speaking countries?
China? -> Most email from China comes from HongKong, which uses English mostly.

Curious to see a break down, if MT would have it or what users think.
Read more : stats & features | Views : 40220 | Replies : 3 | Forum : MultiLanguage

I try to contact you from last 5 months but no response even

I try to contact you from last 5 months but no response even ticket close without any response???

Is this support you provide. : :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Interspire Email Marketer on cpanel/webmin/else


What is the recommended server software to make Interspire Email Marketer work ideally?



other OS+no control panel

any other suggestions?

Read more : Interspire Email Marketer on cpanel/webmin/else | Views : 2461 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Installation and Configuration

.htaccess required by Spinning Addon


In this thread I will update the official .htaccess content required by Spinning Addon to work with the URL Masquerade (AKA: SEO Links):


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^L([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]H\.html$ link.php?M=$1&N=$2&L=$3&F=H [QSA,L]

RewriteRule ^L([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]T\.txt$ link.php?M=$1&N=$2&L=$3&F=T [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^L([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]T\.html$ link.php?M=$1&N=$2&L=$3&F=T [QSA,L]

RewriteRule ^O([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|](H|T)\.jpg$ open.php?M=$1&L=$2&N=$3&F=$4&image=.jpg [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^U([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([a-z0-9]{32}+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)\.html$ unsubscribe.php?M=$1&C=$2&L=$3&N=$4 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^U([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([a-z0-9]{32}+)\.html$ unsubscribe.php?&M=$1&L=$2&C=$3 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^D([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([a-z0-9]{32}+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)\.html$ display.php?M=$1&C=$2&S=$3&L=$4&N=$5 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^D([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([a-z0-9]{32}+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)\.html\&rs=(.*)$ display.php?M=$1&C=$2&S=$3&L=$4&N=$5&rs=$6 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^F([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([a-z0-9]{32}+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)\.html$ sendfriend.php?M=$1&C=$2&L=$3&N=$4&F=$5&i=$6 [QSA,L]

RewriteRule ^L([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]H\.html$ link.php?M=$1&N=$2&L=$3&F=H [QSA,L]

RewriteRule ^L([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]([0-9]+)[\/|\-|_|\.|\|]T\.txt$ link.php?M=$1&N=$2&L=$3&F=T ...
Read more : .htaccess required by Spinning Addon | Views : 20565 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Spinning

Where is the Interspire Base folder


In simple words, is the folder where the Interspire files is located.

For example:

If your Interspire URL is:

Then, your interspire base folder will be

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

In this folder is located some important files like: .htaccess to add special directives to the installation.

connection closed.
Read more : Where is the Interspire Base folder | Views : 13603 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Installation and Configuration




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