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Addons for Interspire Email Marketer Product

geo-loc bak

How many geo-loc bak files of 436mb does one need in the path
Interspire Email Marketer\admin\addons\geostats\install\backup\

Do they come to exist if one disables geostats and then reenables them or why does the system create them?

If one wants to delete some of them, does it matter which to keep, perhaps the latest (they are all same size and content (bit compared))?
Read more : geo-loc bak | Views : 8339 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Geo-Location Tracking Statistics


May I propose that Maborak Technologies would charge $120 per year so that it can afford the time for support?
If all customers join, then MT has to be more available and can also improve/develop more :)
Read more : support | Views : 11343 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Installation and Configuration

Faster Interspire Email Marketer through Better DBF

In order to optimize Interspire Email Marketer, can one upgrade MySQL 5.5 to 5.6 or even MariaDB 10?
Read more : Faster Interspire Email Marketer through Better DBF | Views : 6037 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Installation and Configuration

extra dbf for geo-loc

I think it would be the best to have a separate database for the geo-loc plugin as it is hundreds of MB big.
Can this be done already or does it need a new version of that plugin?
Read more : extra dbf for geo-loc | Views : 5953 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Geo-Location Tracking Statistics

jqPlot to amCharts

Hello Maborak,

We all know you have invested your time, money & mind. But dude to be professional your Addons graphics are very poor comparative to industry, because you are using jqPlot I would rather suggest you to use amCharts which have amazing graphics.

Can we convert these charts from our end?
Read more : jqPlot to amCharts | Views : 9501 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Installation and Configuration

Addons General error: Code EC404, please contact to your adm

Addons General error: Code EC404, please contact to your administrator

Im getting this error today out of the blue.

How is this reaolved.


DKIM, DMARC w/ 3rd party smtp auth

Does anyone know how to set
DKIM, DMARC w/ 3rd party smtp auth

There are services like ... d-critsend
which use private/public keys re DKIM to make it work, but what if your 3rd party smtp auth does not allow for that?
Read more : DKIM, DMARC w/ 3rd party smtp auth | Views : 7703 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Installation and Configuration

Is the whole addons project abandomed?

Hello to everyone.

I have some issues that reported over tickets since May 18th 2015 (this year) but had NO answer at all.

Several emails, skype messages and so on... Since I entered this forum I saw that MANY users and interested ppl is complaining about having tickets ignored over WEEKS (there was a guy that even wrote about trying to contact the author for the last FIVE MONTHS without any response. You guys just ...
Read more : Is the whole addons project abandomed? | Views : 27383 | Replies : 14 | Forum : Multiple MTA with IP Monitor

installed mta add on and getting the error - Error saving

installed MTA addon and i get the following error when i try to add MTA. Error saving your MTA
I have submitted a support ticket over a week ago with no response. Does anyone have any ideas?

Delay when using SEO Links?? 2-5 seconds

Hey Maborak.

There is a 2-5 seconds when using the Spin Addon and SEO links. Do you know how to speed this up?

Can you make a version of the file that shows "Loading..." so that people know it is not a dead page? I am seeing numbers go down because of this delay.

Thank you.
Read more : Delay when using SEO Links?? 2-5 seconds | Views : 9555 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Spinning




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