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Addons for Interspire Email Marketer Product

MySQL Deadlocks

We are seeing this constantly from the multithread addon, its slowing down our sending engine, please advise what we can do:

2015-11-16 12:30:26 7f4c8c65a700
TRANSACTION 34643967637, ACTIVE 10 sec starting index read
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 4 lock struct(s), heap size 1184, 2 row lock(s), undo log entries 6
MySQL thread id 5800435, OS thread handle 0x7f4c7d9f9700, query id 74782359 XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX ...
Read more : MySQL Deadlocks | Views : 13506 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Multithreading

Spin addon Blank PAGE

Hello guys, spinning addons is installed properly and im using latest version of ioncube v5.0.19 and PHP 5.6.14 also the other addons works when i go to spins addon it gives me blank page with no errors any ideas/suggestions is appreciated
Read more : Spin addon Blank PAGE | Views : 17729 | Replies : 3 | Forum : Spinning

Cant choose MTA because of default config

Please help to resolve - I have two MTA groups with one active SMTP in it all configured and active and tested.
But when I try to send campaign it is not letting me to choose the MTA but says that send via default. See screenshots.
Read more : Cant choose MTA because of default config | Views : 10300 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Multiple MTA with IP Monitor

Can you geographically track email addresses

Hey guys!!
i love the addons... was wondering if I can use this addon to track every email I send a newsletter to... Here is what I want to do... I want to archive the email addresses that open from a non US address more than twice as US emails is what really interest me.
Let me know..
Read more : Can you geographically track email addresses | Views : 17634 | Replies : 1 | Forum : Geo-Location Tracking Statistics

Email Header

Hey, when i go to Multiple MTA: Manager -> custom hearder i click new header Group it does not work check here:
i dunno if this is due to addon compatibility i have Interspire Email Marketer version 6.1.4 and the latest multiple mta manager.

Read more : Email Header | Views : 17917 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Multiple MTA with IP Monitor

LOGs to keep or not

Is there any purpose to keeping the logs in the folders (except for trouble shooting/analysis)?
Read more : LOGs to keep or not | Views : 8234 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Installation and Configuration

spin spam blacklist URL shortener

Your own URL shortener helps avoid having links connected to blacklisted domains:

That should make spinning easier for the non-spammers :lol:
Read more : spin spam blacklist URL shortener | Views : 13755 | Replies : 0 | Forum : Spinning

Fix: Spinning shows Plain Text in Received Email

If you use the spins addon and send a test to yourself and it contains plain-text only and is a mess (you will know), show the HTML and replace >{ and put a space between it so that it is > {

This frequently happens if you have a link prior to spun text.

(This is for those who have this issue but are unable to find a solution.)
Read more : Fix: Spinning shows Plain Text in Received Email | Views : 16401 | Replies : 4 | Forum : Spinning

Email stays at "Not finished sending" (Even when finished)

All of my emails show "Not finished sending" on the Statistics page. The emails are complete though. This happens if I send a test email to myself or to a list of 50k.

What would cause this to happen?

Slow Import - Bad SQL or What???

Importing data into my database is very slow. I have several shared servers with old Interspire Email Marketer on it and they are faster than my primary Interspire Email Marketer which has 32GB RAM.

I am afraid that this is going to cause more problems later.

It imports about 10 records per second.

My other Interspire Email Marketer's do 80-110 records per second using the same test data. All servers have the same Interspire Email Marketer suppression list and about the same amount ...
Read more : Slow Import - Bad SQL or What??? | Views : 7847 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Installation and Configuration




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